Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Leaders In Julius Ceasr Essays - Cassii, , Term Papers

Leaders In Julius Ceasr bad traits. Shakespeare gives Julius Caesar a mixture of qualities ranging from reasonable to that of a tyrant to arrogantly ambitious and, sometimes, superstitious in order to portray a variety of sides to the potential leader of Rome. Such men (Cassius) are dangerousI fear him not. Political nobility, thus, is formed with just reason to threaten Rome, yet at the same time portraying characteristics not of an antagonist. When such a character with sporadic influences is fashioned, conflict arises and division is apparent. Brutuss devotion is strongest with Rome and his countrymen. This is evident in his quote, Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Seen in the eyes of others as noble and honorable, he joins the conspiracy not out of envy, but to end these hard times. Cassius has the ability to see the true motives of men (Caesars ambition shall be glanced at) and convinces Brutus to join in the assassination of Caesar. Following the death of Caesar, the astuteness of Antony is recognized. He slyly uses flattery to gain the trust of the conspirators (with the exception of Cassius) in his quote, Let each man render me his bloody hand. He is even able to influence the plebeians to see his views. These susceptible followers, who are manipulated easily but play an important role as a mass, are quick to shift sides. First outraged at the conspirators, they demand, Let us be satisfied. Then after Brutuss speech, they are glad that the villain was slain. Live Brutus! live, live! Finally after listening to Antony, they seek vengeance (They were traitors.) and go into a riot. Individuals that would make good leaders need to have Caesars reasonability, Brutuss honor with his followers, Cassiuss perceptibility, and Antonys manipulative skills and cunning. Among my friends, the leaders have qualities similar to the above traits mentioned of each character. They must have a close bond with those around them, respect from their followers, and be able to make good judgments. As of now, I do not consider myself a leader. I have much to learn that cannot be taught, but must be acquired with maturity and observation. I would, however, like to hope that when the time comes for me to lead, I would be ready to share the responsibilities of the group including whatever failures or successes come with it. Theater Essays

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